27/07/2022 7:53:53 pm, Dan

Mount Huxley (N#209), Mount Fiske (N#210), Mount Wallace (N#211), Mount Haeckel (N#212), Mount Darwin (N#213), Mount Mendel (N#214)

June 27th, Day 127

Mount Goddard
Mount Goddard
Huxley summit
Huxley summit
Mount Huxley
Mount Huxley
Mount Mendel (L), Mount Darwin (C), and Mount Haeckel (R)
Mount Mendel (L), Mount Darwin (C), and Mount Haeckel (R)
Mount Goddard
Mount Goddard
Fiske summit
Fiske summit
Black Giant (R)
Black Giant (R)
Wallace summit
Wallace summit
Haeckel summit
Haeckel summit
Mount Huxley (C) and Mount Goddard (R)
Mount Huxley (C) and Mount Goddard (R)
Darwin summit
Darwin summit
Mount Darwin
Mount Darwin
Mendel summit
Mendel summit
Mount Mendel (L)
Mount Mendel (L)
"Mount Steven Jay Gould" summit (non-SPS)
"Mount Steven Jay Gould" summit (non-SPS)
Mount Fiske (L) and Mount Huxley (C)
Mount Fiske (L) and Mount Huxley (C)
Mount Lamarck (C)
Mount Lamarck (C)
Mount Goethe (L) and Mount Humphreys (C)
Mount Goethe (L) and Mount Humphreys (C)
Mount Huxley (L) and Mount Goddard (C)
Mount Huxley (L) and Mount Goddard (C)

View the activity here.